Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an epidemic in Boston and throughout the U.S. that can have serious consequences for oral and overall health. It’s the number one cause of tooth loss and is also linked to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and even low birth weight. Dr. Ann-Marie O’Connor is our in-house periodontist at CITIDental High Street and she can help you keep your gums healthy and infection-free.

Too often, people ignore the first symptoms of gum disease, bleeding and swollen gums, assuming they’re “normal”. If untreated, gum recession may begin and bone loss will occur. With advanced periodontal treatments, Dr. O’Connor can stop and even reverse these effects before any teeth are lost. Of course the earlier you receive treatment when you see the first signs of periodontal disease, the easier life will be for you in the long run.

CITIDental High Street in downtown Boston offers the latest and most advanced gum disease treatment options. We’ll use the least invasive options possible to control your gum infection. Periodontist’s services we offer include:

Scaling and root planing

Gum Recession Treatment

Gum Grafting

Dental Sealants

Mouth Body Connection

A Typical Appointment With Your Boston Periodontist

Dr. O’Connor will start by examining your gums to determine the extent of your gum disease and which treatment options will suit your situation best. She’ll first check the surface of your gums, looking for signs of receding and swelling. She’ll likely ask if you’ve experienced tooth sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet and whether your gums commonly bleed when you brush or floss. Then she’ll check the pocket depth between your teeth and gums. She may also recommend an X-ray to detect any bone loss.

In mild cases of periodontal disease, she may recommend scaling and root planing and a strict regimen of brushing and flossing. More advanced cases may require grafting of gum or bone tissue and flap surgery to repair significant loss of structure around your teeth. If teeth are beyond rescue or already lost, she can provide dental implants to fill in gaps and help stabilize your remaining teeth and jaw structure.

Minor treatments may be completed in the same visit as your periodontal exam. Others will likely be scheduled for a future date and may require multiple visits. Dr. O’Connor will be happy to answer any questions you have along the way.

Don’t Delay Your Periodontal Exam

If you have bleeding, swollen, or painful gums; if you are experiencing sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet; or if you can see your gums beginning to recede, waste no more time in contacting CITIDental High Street to schedule an appointment with our periodontist in downtown Boston. If you’re like many other people, you’ve known you had a problem with your gums for some time and just haven’t dealt with it. We invite you to come in and confront your gum disease before your treatment options become limited and the risks to your health mount.