As your dentist in Boston, CITIDental High Street takes great care to remind patients about the importance of having cancer screenings. This procedure is a significant part of your dental health. An early diagnosis can be critical to maximizing your success rate for treating against oral cancer. In fact, oral cancer can be prevented altogether with regular screenings.

What happens during oral cancer screening?

During a screening procedure, the doctor will check the lips, tongue, gums, and mouth for any irregularities or symptoms that may indicate a cancerous condition. Special attention is paid to symptoms that you may be experiencing. If you have been affected by any symptoms for more than a week, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.

These are the following symptoms to note:

  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Pain affecting the ears
  • Mouth sores
  • White or red patches around your mouth
  • Significant weight loss
  • Swelling around your mouth
  • Sore throat without sinus symptoms

Any patient has a chance of developing oral cancer, but there are factors that can heighten your risks. Some of these risk factors include genetics, prolonged sun exposure, unbalanced diet, and excessive alcoholic consumption. If you wish to know more about the risk factors of oral cancer and schedule a screening, contact CITIDental High Street today.